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Voicemail Services
How to use NEWT's voicemail services

Voicemail Set Up

Press the MESSAGES button on your phone or dial *98.

2. The system may prompt you to enter a password - your voicemail password is defaulted to your extension number (if it has already been changed and you don't know what it is, please log into your NEWTCF environment to retrieve it from the extension setting screen, or ask your admin to do so)

3. A voice prompt will take you through a "Set-up Process" to change your password.

4. You will then be prompted to record your name to attach it to the extension. Once both steps have been completed go to step 5.

5.  Select "0" for mailbox options 

6. Select "1" to record your "Unavailable Message

NOTE: If you do not change your password during the set up process from the default of your extension number; Each time you enter your voicemail, the system will continue to prompt you to make the change. Please ensure you change the password from the default for added security on the extension.

Voicemail Retrieval:

NEWT provides a voicemail-to-email option to receive your voicemails in a sound file attachment for easy retrieval. But if you would prefer to manage your voicemail box from your phone, here is what to do:

  1. Press the MESSAGES button on your phone or dial *98.

  2. Follow the automated prompts to listen to, save, or delete voicemail messages.

  3. If you aren't at your phone, you can call into your voicemail box from a different extension by dialing 21xxx (xxx being your extension)

  4. From an Outside Line: Dial the phone number provided to you by your Administrator. Enter the access code provided (ie: *98). Enter your mailbox number (extension #) followed by your password.

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