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Live Answer Set Up
How to set up Live Answer

If you have someone answering calls during office hours or you are not using the auto attendant, start by choosing the existing Extension you want all your calls to go to, upon the caller dialing your phone number. Then decide on the sequence of events the call should follow, up to the termination point (if the call is not answered).

  1. Navigate to the main Extensions screen and select the pencil icon to open the details screen to configure the extension

  2. Navigate to the Call Flow tab and choose the Dial Sequence you want to use

 Default Dial Sequence

This is a simple configuration. It allows for a maximum of two steps on a persistent basis. Typically, an extension rings four times and then goes to that extension’s voicemail. You can, however, tell the call to go to (“follow”) another extension, a call queue, or hang up after ringing the extension. Simply choose the behaviour you want this call to follow. Ensure to hit the SAVE button when done, then Save & Update to publish to the PBX.

Default Dial Sequence

Alternative Dial Sequence

This is a more advanced configuration that can be extended to up to six steps. It enables complex find-me / follow-me rules to be defined in which the extension dials around to various locations as administered. It can be further defined by a Time of Day Schedule. Each of the two categories of dial sequences operates independently and can be selected using the first drop-down menu located in the Alternate Dial Sequence section.

 Always Enabled: This enables the Alternate Dial Sequence permanently (24/7).

Always Enabled Dial Sequence

 Enabled On: This enables the Alternate Dial Sequence on a scheduled basis. A daily scheduling option will appear.

  1. Set your scheduling times based on when the extension user will be available to take the calls

  2. Then set the extension to be dialed and for how many rings

  3. Continue setting more steps for the call to take if the call isn’t answered within the set ring amount (this uses the “Find me follow me” feature to try calling another extension or try your cell phone as an example)

  4. Ensure the last step is “then” and sets a termination point (i.e.: voicemail or go to another TN’s automated attendant)

  5. Finally and importantly, set the default dial sequence (first line in orange) so that the system knows what to do with the call outside of the scheduled hours (you can set it to go to voicemail or another TN with an auto attendant enabled!)

  6. Ensure to hit the SAVE button when done, then Save & Update to publish to the PBX

Enabled On Sequence

You can now add this extension to your Telephone Number Call Flow as the default extension the calls go to right away.

TN Call Flow Set up

  1. Navigate to the TN Tab from the PBX Main Screen. Navigate to the telephone number that customers are going to be using to call in

  2. Clicking on the Pencil Icon at the end of the line item will guide you into the details screen of that Telephone Number

  3. In the Call Flow tab, Default Forward is the field that allows you to point the calls to the extension, that you want the calls to flow to. Select the extension you set up above. Incoming phone calls will then follow the extension's setup

  4. Ensure to hit the SAVE button when done, then Save & Update to publish to the PBX

TN Call Flow Default Setting

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