The NEWT PBX allows an administrator to define a single call queue. Call Queues are particularly effective for business functions like sales or technical support. This option is often used where the call volume to staff ratio is higher. Unlike Groups, a queue will allow the call to hold “in queue” (while listening to pre-loaded music) and wait for an agent to pick up the call. Any employee can sign in and out of queues utilizing an Agent Key, or entering 88008 from their phone, allowing them to take calls from the queue.
The Basic Queue uses a round-robin approach and rings each set that is logged into the queue in a circular fashion.
Begin by using a Virtual Extension as in the example below, and point the TN or automated attendant option to it. Your NEWT PBX will come preconfigured with 5 Virtual Extensions that may be used for such purposes
As the administrator, navigate to the Extension Tab in your NEWTCF environment
Select an unused Virtual Extension. Rename the Extension to the Queue name (i.e., Sales Queue)
Select the pencil icon to open the details screen to configure the extension
Navigate to the Call Flow tab. Set the Default Dial Sequence to Call Queue and select the termination (if no one is logged in) then: (Follow Ext # - Reception as an example)
The next step in the call sequence is only invoked if no users are logged in. If users fail to log out and no one is answering calls, the caller will not be directed to the next step in the call sequence, they will remain on hold indefinitely. If you are using the Basic Queue function, ensure your Queue “Agents” understand the importance of logging in and out.
Always ensure you save your changes! Then click on Save & Update from the main screen to publish.
Now you can add this extension to your Automated Attendant menu or the telephone number's call flow.
* For more advanced queueing functions such as multiple queues, agent status controls, dispositions, monitoring and coaching or reporting, please refer to our Automatic Call Distribution program (ACD).
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